Computes the direction of a light ray reflected on a mirror.
Computes the transformation from motor angles and pixel position into SOHO reference frame.
The output is a 3D vector defining the line of sight.
outrot = outer motor position in degrees
inrot = inner motor position in degrees
xpixel and
ypixel coordinates of the pixel on detector array
suz equals 1 for SU +Z and -1 for SU -Z.
Same as previous. For all pixels of the 5x5 array. The routine su2soho27 computes for the 5x5 array plus the 2 outlying pixels.
Conputes the transformation from SOHO coordinates to motor positions (central pixel).
Computes the transformation from SOHO coordinates to ecliptic coordinates (J2000).
inv = -1 makes the inverse transformation (ecliptic to SOHO).
Ecliptic to Earth Equatorial coordinates (J2000). inv = -1 makes the inverse transformation.
Earth Equatorial coordinates to Galactic coordinates. inv = -1 makes the inverse transformation.
Ecliptic to wind-Oy coordinates. inv = -1 makes the inverse transformation.
Ecliptic to wind-Ox coordinates. inv = -1 makes the inverse transformation.
Conversion from cartesian to spherical coordinates (in radians).
Conversion from cartesian to spherical coordinates (in degrees).
Conversion from spherical (degrees) to cartesian coordinates.
Conversion from spherical (radians) to cartesian coordinates.
adds to images (coupoff format) using coefficients coef1 and coef2.
2D representation of an image coupoff. Only values between minicol and maxicol are represented.
If the array limites (lonmin,lonmax,latmin,latmax) is defined, the plot is restricted to the chosen interval. The sky projection is bosed on the map_set IDL routine.
2D representation of 2 images coupof1 and coupof2 on the same figure. Only values between minicol and maxicol are represented.
if coef is defined, coef2 is multiplied by this factor.