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Name of Progam:
This program loads a SWAN data set stored under the FITS format.
The main variables are described at the following link:
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The list of tasks performed by the program is the following:
- The program loads and converts the Swan Observation data stored in the FITS file.
- The program loads the SOHO orbit datafile and the motor coordinate correction files.
- The program applies motor coordinate corrections to the data to account for measured offsets.
- The program computes a flatfield correction to compensate for Pixel Response Non-Uniformity.
- If data from both sensors are present (full-sky images), the programme computes the +Z/-Z
cross calibration factor. Data of the -Z sensor are converted to equivalent +Z sensor count rate.
Throughout the mission the +Z sensor has been used as a reference for the instrument calibration.
- The program computes an image in a chosen coordinate system.
The size and step size of the image can be chosen.
The output of the program is a set of images. If data from both sensors are present, there will be
an image for the +Z sensor and an image for the -Z sensor.
The results are stored in a 3-dimension variable like that:
The first 2 dimensions N1 et N2 correspond to the size of the image.
It is defined for N1-1 longitude values and N2 latitude values.
The N1-1 line is used to define the limits of the image.
The array given by COUPOFF(0:N1-2,0:N2-1,0) contains the image
obtained from the data.
The array COUPOFF(0:N1-2,0:N2-1,1) contains the statistical error associated to the image.
Spatial coordinates of the point (i,j) are given by:
longitude(i,j) = lonmin + (i+0.5)
latitude(i,j) = latmin + (j+0.5)
The limits of the image are given by
lonmin = COUPOFF(N1-1,0,1)
londel = COUPOFF(N1-1,1,1)
latmin = COUPOFF(N1-1,2,1)
latdel = COUPOFF(N1-1,3,1)
lonmax = lonmin + (N1-1)
latmax = latmin + N2
Next: SOHO Orbit file
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Previous: SWAN Analysis Software: Version
Stephane Ferron